BEx Analyzer работает только с MS Office 32 бит.
для GUI 7.40: SAP Note 1995532 - BI 7.x tools in 740 - HW\SW requirements
для GUI 7.30: SAP Note 1652769 - 730 GUI DVD - BEx tools - HW\SW requirements
Нота 1846536 BEx Analyzer 3.x, 7.x Support for MS Office 365. Цитата из неё: "Office 64 bit versions are NOT supported for BEx tools for the moment and currently, there is no prediction to release such tool."
Для работы с 64 битным Офисом можно использовать SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Excel (нота 1729141 - Analysis Office: Front End Memory Consumption).
для GUI 7.40: SAP Note 1995532 - BI 7.x tools in 740 - HW\SW requirements
для GUI 7.30: SAP Note 1652769 - 730 GUI DVD - BEx tools - HW\SW requirements
Нота 1846536 BEx Analyzer 3.x, 7.x Support for MS Office 365. Цитата из неё: "Office 64 bit versions are NOT supported for BEx tools for the moment and currently, there is no prediction to release such tool."
Для работы с 64 битным Офисом можно использовать SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Excel (нота 1729141 - Analysis Office: Front End Memory Consumption).